Semiwelded twin plate heat exchangers


New applications demand ever-increasing performance. In response to the call, GEA Ecoflex remains in the forefront of techno-logical development. Because conventionally sealed plate heat exchangers quickly reach their limits with critical media, GEA Ecoflex provide the answer – the new Laser Welded Cassette (LWC)plate heat exchanger. Aggressive media types can now flow freely. The LWC range is based on the NT-plate technology and benefits from the very latest computational, design and manufacturing techniques. An innovative flow path geometry ensures outstanding heat transfer, by providing an optimum geometry through which the media can flow. As the industry has now come to expect from GEA Ecoflex, the LWC heat exchanger is made using only high-grade materials and is available in various plate length alternatives. These new products offer high performance, compact design and low weight. They are technically advanced and economically attractive. GEA Ecoflex has set a new standard. Now learn what we can do for you.

Refrigerant evaporator or condenser
Solvent evaporator
Solvent condenser
Solvent trap
Connection range from DN 50 up to DN 300
Temperature range: min. -40° C, max. +190° C
Design pressure range up to 25 bar

