Material’s selection

Likewise what happens with evaporative condensers and evaporative coolers, cooling towers are also often designed to work in humid and harsh environments.  Therefore, they need corrosion resistant construction materials.

Plastic materials such as reinforced resins offer high corrosion resistance, but they get fragile when exposed to atmospheric agents and extreme operating conditions. Protective housings with zinc-plated steel sheets are another solution, but not suitable for contact with all the chemicals that water tower can contain. Electrolytric protections ensure excellent corrosion protection, such as zinc-electroplated sheets or sheets with polyester powder coating, also achieving an excellent aesthetic result.

At last, all of the fitting components, such as bolts and other accessories, must ensure the same corrosion resistance grade. In this case stainless steel is the unique solution, that will avoid to encounter encrusted or oxidized threads during dismantle operations. Stainless steel can eventually be an ideal overall solution for the selection of all of the construction materials.

materiali costruttivi torri evaporative